We are strongly urging people to consider whether their journey is necessary. Please check your journey before you travel and follow social distancing guidelines.

Application for support with home to school travel

Before completing this application, please check Criteria and guidance | Metro (wymetro.com) to see if you may meet the criteria.

Reason for Application


Academic year

Local Authority


Child details



Browse Upload proof of the address move (e.g. council tax, utility bill)

Parent/carer details



In specific circumstances discretionary assistance will be granted for a limited time period if:

Photo uploader - student photo

Click browse to upload a photo. This is a mandatory requirement for both new applications and renewals

Upload your childs photo

Primary School Pupils Only

If your child needs to use a dedicated school service, in addition to this form, you may need to register online. Please visit wymetro.com/schools for details.

New Year 7 Pupils

If your child is going to be using a school service, they may need to be registered to use it. Please see link to find out if they need a priority photocard in addition to the zero fare (where applicable). You can also find the application form here. Secondary school application form | Metro (wymetro.com)


I declare that:

  • I have read and understood the guidance notes and Code of conduct. See here for link: Code of conduct | Metro (wymetro.com);
  • To the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is correct and complete;
  • I have enclosed all the extra information I want you to look at;
  • I have attached a passport style photograph for use on the Zero Fare pass;

I agree this information may be shared with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (Metro), district councils and travel operators relating to my child’s travel and with the supplier of travel passes.

  • If my application is successful and my child is awarded a Zero Fare pass, I will immediately return it to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority if my child moves house or changes school; failure to do so may be fraud.
  • I am aware children can only travel free-of-charge if they have a valid pass and present it each time they use the relevant bus or train service;
  • I understand that the Zero Fare pass may be confiscated if my child breaches the Code of conduct or Conditions of use issued with the pass; and
  • I also understand that the local authority and the Combined Authority reserve the right to withdraw the provision of support either for a temporary period or permanently for more serious or persistent cases of misbehaviour.

Application submission

In order for us to accept your application, when you click the Submit button, you acknowledge:

  • that you have read and agree to the declaration above